How Much Does It Cost To Buy A Gyrocopter?

How much does it cost to buy a gyrocopter

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If you’re considering buying a gyrocopter, one of the first questions you’re likely to have is how much is cost to buy a gyrocopter? The cost can range from $15,000 to $100,000 depending on deisgn and features.

As the cost of a gyrocopter can depend on several factors, including the type of gyrocopter, its features and capabilities, and whether it is factory-built or a kit.

However, generally speaking, a new gyrocopter can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $100,000 or more, depending on the aforementioned factors. Meanwhile, a used gyrocopter may cost less, starting from around $10,000.

It’s important to note that there are also ongoing costs associated with owning a gyrocopter, including maintenance, fuel, and insurance, which should also be factored into your budget.

Key Takeaways:

  • A gyrocopter’s cost can depend on several factors.
  • New gyrocopters can cost between $15,000 and $100,000 or more, while used gyrocopters start from around $10,000.
  • Ongoing costs such as maintenance, fuel, and insurance should also be considered when budgeting for a gyrocopter purchase.

Factors That Influence Gyrocopter Cost

Cost To Buy A Gyrocopter

Gyrocopter cost varies depending on several factors that are unique to each type and model. Here are some of the main gyrocopter cost factors:

Type of Gyrocopter

There are two main types of gyrocopters: closed and open. 

Closed gyrocopters come with a cockpit that provides better protection for the pilot and passengers against wind, rain, and insects. 

On the other hand, open gyrocopters offer a more immersive flying experience, but are less expensive than closed models.


The level of customization is another factor that affects gyrocopter cost. 

Some manufacturers offer options for customizing the engine, rotor blades, instruments, and exterior design, among other features. 

These customization options can add to the cost of a gyrocopter, but can also provide pilots with a unique and personalized flying experience.

Engine Specifications

The engine specifications of a gyrocopter can also influence its cost. Engines can vary in size, power output, and fuel efficiency, all of which can impact the overall price of the gyrocopter. 

Typically, the more powerful the engine, the higher the cost of the gyrocopter.

Additional Features

Additional features, such as avionics, navigation systems, and safety equipment, can also add to the cost of a gyrocopter. 

These features can enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of flying a gyrocopter, but can also increase its price tag.

Considering these factors can help prospective buyers determine the best gyrocopter model for their needs and budget

The next section will discuss the different types of gyrocopters available and how much they cost.

Types of Gyrocopters and Their Prices

When it comes to gyrocopters, there are a variety of options available in the market. From standard factory-built gyroplanes to experimental gyrocopter kits, buyers are spoilt for choice. 

This section will take a closer look at the various types of gyrocopters and their associated prices.

Gyrocopter Types

Gyroplanes are available in two main types: open and closed. 

Open gyrocopters have an unenclosed cockpit, while closed gyroplanes have a fully enclosed cockpit for improved protection from wind and rain. 

Both types have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the pilot’s preferences and the intended use of the gyrocopter. 

Open gyrocopters tend to be more affordable than their closed counterparts since fewer materials are required for their construction.

Another type of gyrocopter is the gyroplane autogyro, which is known for its unique design. The gyroplane autogyro utilizes an unpowered rotor for lift, along with a conventional engine for propulsion. 

This design allows the gyroplane autogyro to take off and land in a much shorter distance than traditional fixed-wing aircraft.

Gyrocopter Price Ranges

The price of a gyrocopter can range from as little as $10,000 for an ultralight gyroplane to as much as $250,000 for a top-of-the-line factory-built model. 

Experimental gyrocopter kits are generally less expensive, with prices ranging from $30,000 to $60,000, depending on the level of customization and complexity required.

It is important to note that the price of a gyrocopter can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the model, the level of customization, and the type of engine used. 

Other factors that can impact the price of a gyrocopter include additional features such as avionics, navigation systems, and safety equipment.

Gyrocopter Price Comparison Table

Gyrocopter TypePrice Range
Ultralight Gyroplane$10,000 – $25,000
Experimental Gyrocopter Kit$30,000 – $60,000
Factory-Built Gyroplane$100,000 – $250,000

It’s important to note that these are just average price ranges and that specific prices can vary significantly depending on the manufacturer, model, and other factors.

Is a Gyrocopter Worth the Price?

Ultimately, whether or not a gyrocopter is worth the price depends on the pilot’s individual needs and preferences. 

Some pilots may find that the benefits of owning a gyrocopter, such as increased flexibility and maneuverability, are worth the investment. 

Others may prefer to stick with traditional fixed-wing aircraft, which tend to be less expensive and easier to maintain.

Regardless of their decision, prospective buyers should carefully consider their options and consult with experienced gyrocopter pilots and professionals before making a purchase.

Purchasing Options and Available Gyrocopters for Sale

When it comes to purchasing a gyrocopter, buyers have a wide range of options to choose from. Gyrocopters can be bought new or used and are available from a variety of sources. 

Here are some of the main options to consider:

New Gyrocopters

Buying a new gyrocopter is a great option for those looking for the latest models with the most advanced features. 

These gyrocopters are typically more expensive but come with manufacturer warranties and the latest safety features.

Used Gyrocopters

For those on a tighter budget, purchasing a used gyrocopter can be a great option. Used gyrocopters are available at varying price points depending on their age, condition, and features. 

Buyers should always have a thorough inspection conducted by a qualified mechanic before purchasing a used gyrocopter to ensure it is in good condition.

Dealerships and Manufacturers

Gyrocopter dealerships and manufacturers are great places to start when looking for a new or used gyrocopter. 

These sources typically have the latest models available and can provide buyers with information on customization options and financing.

Private Sales

Private sales are another option to consider when looking for a used gyrocopter. 

Buyers can find listings online or through trade magazines, and should always thoroughly inspect the gyrocopter before purchasing.

Gyrocopter Clubs

Gyrocopter clubs can be a great source of information for those in the market for a gyrocopter. 

Many clubs have classified sections where members can list gyrocopters for sale, and can provide valuable guidance on purchasing a gyrocopter.

Affordable Gyrocopters for Sale

For those on a budget, there are affordable gyrocopters available for sale. 

While the prices of new gyrocopters can range from $15,000 to $200,000, there are used gyrocopters available for as little as $8,000. 

It’s important to keep in mind that ongoing costs such as maintenance and insurance should also be factored into the budget.

Average Cost of a Gyrocopter

Cost To Buy A Gyrocopter

When it comes to purchasing a gyrocopter, determining the average cost is essential. 

The price of a gyrocopter can vary depending on factors such as the type of gyrocopter, engine specifications, and level of customization.

According to recent market research, the average cost of a new factory-built gyrocopter ranges from $60,000 to $100,000. 

However, the price can go up significantly for more advanced models with additional features.

Gyrocopter TypeAverage Price Range

It is important to note that the cost of a gyrocopter can also depend on the purchasing location and prevailing market conditions. 

Used gyrocopters can offer a more affordable option, with prices ranging from $10,000 to $60,000 depending on the condition and age of the gyrocopter.

When budgeting for a gyrocopter purchase, it is essential to factor in ongoing expenses such as maintenance, fuel, and insurance. 

While owning a gyrocopter can be an exhilarating experience, it can come with significant financial responsibilities that should be carefully considered.

Budgeting and Financing a Gyrocopter Purchase

Cost To Buy A Gyrocopter

When considering purchasing a gyrocopter, it’s essential to plan a budget upfront to ensure that the purchasing cost and any additional expenses fit into your financial goals. 

Knowing your budget will help you make an informed decision and avoid any financial strains.

The purchasing cost of a gyrocopter varies depending on factors such as the type, engine specifications, level of customization, and additional features. 

Generally, factory-built gyrocopters are more expensive than kits, with additional features such as a high-tech cockpit or advanced safety features contributing to higher prices.

If you are on a tight budget, you could opt for a used gyrocopter that could be more affordable. Researching the market and comparing prices will help you to find affordable options. 

However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the maintenance costs of a used gyrocopter could be higher compared to a new one.

Financing a gyrocopter purchase is an option worth considering if you don’t want to pay upfront. Some dealerships offer in-house financing, which may have higher interest rates. 

Alternative financing options, such as banks or credit unions, could provide lower interest rates and better terms.

It’s important to remember that financing a gyrocopter could lead to additional costs such as insurance and maintenance. 

Careful budgeting and planning can help you determine if financing a gyrocopter purchase is the right decision for you.

Tip: When budgeting, consider all additional expenses such as insurance, fuel, maintenance, and any storage fees. It’s essential to factor in these costs to ensure that you won’t feel financially burdened after the purchase.


Buying a gyrocopter can be an exciting and costly endeavor. 

Understanding the factors that influence the cost of a gyrocopter, the types of gyrocopters available, and where to find them for sale is important for anyone considering purchasing one.

When it comes to cost, it is crucial to pay attention to the type of gyrocopter, engine specifications, number of features, and level of customization. 

With a range of options available, it is important to research and determine a budget before making a purchase.

The different types of gyrocopters available include gyrocopter kits and factory-built options, each with different capabilities and price ranges. 

When looking for a gyrocopter for sale, it is important to consider purchasing options that fit your budget and requirements.

The average cost of a gyrocopter varies depending on the model and specifications, with prices ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

Budgeting and financing for ongoing costs such as maintenance and insurance is important when making this significant investment.

Buying a gyrocopter is an exhilarating experience, but it is important to carefully consider the factors that influence cost, the different types of gyrocopters available, the purchasing options and costs, and how to budget and finance the purchase. 

With the right information and planning, anyone can afford to take to the skies in their very own gyrocopter.


  1. How much does it cost to buy a gyrocopter?

    The cost of buying a gyrocopter can vary depending on several factors, including the type of gyrocopter, level of customization, engine specifications, and additional features. It is recommended to research and compare prices from different sellers to get an accurate estimate.

  2. What factors influence gyrocopter cost?

    Several factors can influence the cost of a gyrocopter, such as the type of gyrocopter, level of customization, engine specifications, and additional features. Each of these aspects can impact the overall price of the gyrocopter.

  3. What are the types of gyrocopters available and their prices?

    There are various types of gyrocopters available in the market, including gyrocopter kits and factory-built options. The prices for these gyrocopters can vary based on their features, capabilities, and level of customization. It is recommended to explore different options to find one that fits your needs and budget.

  4. Where can I find gyrocopters for sale?

    Gyrocopters can be found for sale through various purchasing options, including online marketplaces, classified ads, and specialized gyrocopter dealerships. It is advisable to research reputable sellers and ensure that the gyrocopter meets your requirements before making a purchase.

  5. What is the average cost of a gyrocopter?

    The average cost of a gyrocopter can vary depending on the model and specifications. It is recommended to research different models and compare prices to get an accurate estimate of the average cost within your desired specifications.

  6. How can I budget and finance a gyrocopter purchase?

    Budgeting and financing a gyrocopter purchase can be done by determining your budget, exploring financing options such as loans or lease agreements, and considering ongoing costs like maintenance and insurance. It is advisable to consult with financial professionals and make a realistic plan before committing to a purchase.

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