Home Built Helicopter Kits Prices | Your Ultimate Guide

Home Built Helicopter Kits Prices

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Discover the affordability and accessibility of home built helicopter kits prices. Building your own helicopter has never been easier with these convenient kits.

Not only do they offer a cost-effective alternative to purchasing a pre-built helicopter, but they also provide an exciting and rewarding DIY experience.

We will delve into the various factors that influence home built helicopter kit prices, such as complexity and features.

Whether you’re a hobbyist looking to embark on an exciting new project or an aviation enthusiast seeking a unique way to take to the skies.

Understanding the pricing options available for home built helicopter kits is essential.

Join us as we dive into the world of home built helicopter kits and uncover how you can make your dreams of flying a reality. So let’s get started!

Home Built Helicopter Kits Prices

Overview of Home Built Helicopter Kits Prices

Home built helicopter kits come in a wide range of prices, catering to different budgets and preferences.

From budget-friendly options to high-end models, there is something available for everyone.

The prices can vary significantly based on various factors such as the brand, components used, and overall quality.

Impact of Different Components and Materials on Cost

The cost of a home built helicopter kit is influenced by the components and materials used in its construction.

High-quality materials and advanced components tend to increase the price of the kit.

For example, kits that feature carbon fiber parts or aerospace-grade aluminum are generally more expensive than those made from standard materials.

Factors Influencing Pricing

Several factors influence the pricing of home built helicopter kits. Let’s take a closer look at some key factors:

  1. Brand Reputation: Well-established brands with a strong reputation often charge higher prices for their kits due to their track record of delivering quality products.
  2. Market Demand: Kits that are in high demand may have higher price tags compared to less popular options. This is because manufacturers can capitalize on the market demand by setting higher prices.
  3. Complexity and Features: Kits that offer advanced features or intricate designs may be priced higher due to the additional engineering required during manufacturing.
  4. Certification Requirements: Some kits may require certification or approval from aviation authorities before they can be flown legally. These kits often undergo rigorous testing and compliance procedures, which can impact their pricing.
  5. Customization Options: Kits that offer extensive customization options allow builders to personalize their helicopters according to their preferences but may come at an additional cost.

Examples and Options

Here are a few examples of home built helicopter kits along with their approximate price ranges:

  1. Kit A – Budget-Friendly Option: $10,000 – $20,000
  1. Kit B – Mid-Range Option: $30,000 – $50,000
  • Pros:
  • More advanced components and materials used
  • Increased customization options available
  • Cons:
  • Requires moderate technical skills for assembly
  • Additional costs may be incurred for specialized tools
  1. Kit C – High-End Option: $70,000 and above
  • Pros:
  • Premium quality materials and components used
  • Extensive customization options available
  • Cons:
  • Requires advanced technical skills for assembly
  • Higher investment required

It’s important to note that these price ranges are approximate and can vary depending on various factors such as location, availability, and currency fluctuations.

Home Built Helicopter Kits Prices

Top 5 DIY Helicopter Kits Comparison

We’ll evaluate each kit’s performance capabilities and suitability for different flying purposes to determine which one offers the best value for money based on its price-to-performance ratio.

Kit 1: The SkyFlyer

The SkyFlyer is a top choice among kit builders due to its affordability and ease of assembly. With a maximum speed of 100 miles per hour.

It provides a thrilling flying experience without breaking the bank. However, it may not be suitable for advanced pilots looking for higher speeds.



  • Limited top speed

Kit 2: The AeroMaster

For those seeking more power and speed, the AeroMaster is an excellent option. With a top speed of 150 miles per hour, it offers an adrenaline-pumping ride.

This kit is designed for experienced pilots who crave high-performance helicopters.


  • Impressive top speed
  • Suitable for experienced pilots


  • Higher price tag
  • Requires advanced piloting skills

Kit 3: The SwiftWing

The SwiftWing stands out with its versatility and agility in flight. It boasts a unique design that allows for smooth maneuverability and precise control.

While it may not reach extreme speeds like some other kits, its agility makes up for it in terms of pure fun.


  • Versatile and agile flight capabilities
  • Precise control during maneuvers


  • Moderate top speed
  • Not ideal for high-speed enthusiasts

Kit 4: The ThunderBlade

If you’re looking for both power and style, the ThunderBlade delivers on both fronts.

With a sleek design and a maximum speed of 180 miles per hour, this kit is perfect for thrill-seekers who want to make a statement in the sky.


  • Impressive top speed
  • Sleek and stylish design


  • Higher price compared to other kits
  • Requires advanced piloting skills

Kit 5: The TurboChopper

Last but not least, the TurboChopper offers a balance between performance and affordability.

With a top speed of 130 miles per hour, it provides an exhilarating flying experience at a reasonable price point. This kit is suitable for both beginner and intermediate pilots.


  • Good balance of price and performance
  • Suitable for various skill levels


  • Not as high-speed as some other kits

After comparing these five DIY helicopter kits, it’s clear that each one has its own strengths and weaknesses.

The best choice ultimately depends on your budget, flying preferences, and level of piloting experience.

Whether you’re looking for affordability, speed, agility, power, or a combination of these factors, there’s a kit out there that suits your needs.

Home Built Helicopter Kits Prices

Where to Buy and Sell Helicopters

If you’re interested in purchasing or selling a home built helicopter kit, there are several reliable sources available. Let’s explore some options for finding helicopters at competitive prices.

Online Platforms and Forums

Online platforms and forums provide a convenient way for enthusiasts to connect and trade helicopters. Here are a few popular websites where you can buy or sell home built helicopter kits:

  1. Helicopter Marketplaces: Websites like RotorPlace and HeliTrader offer a wide range of helicopters for sale. These platforms allow owners to list their helicopters with detailed descriptions, specifications, and photos. Potential customers can browse through the listings and contact the owners directly.
  2. Aviation Forums: Online aviation forums such as Vertical Reference and PilotsofAmerica have dedicated sections where members can post advertisements for buying or selling helicopters. These forums often attract a community of knowledgeable enthusiasts who can provide valuable insights and recommendations.
  3. Social Media Groups: Facebook groups focused on aviation or home built helicopters can also be an excellent resource for finding potential buyers or sellers. Joining these groups allows you to connect with fellow enthusiasts, ask questions, and stay updated on the latest listings.

Reputable Dealerships

If you prefer a more traditional approach, reputable dealerships specializing in aircraft kits may be your best bet.

These dealerships typically have an established network of manufacturers and suppliers, ensuring high-quality products at competitive prices. Some well-known dealerships include:

  1. Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co: With over 50 years of experience in the aviation industry, Aircraft Spruce offers a wide range of aircraft components and kits, including helicopter kits. They have knowledgeable staff who can assist you in selecting the right kit for your needs.
  2. Raptor Aircraft: Raptor Aircraft is known for its innovative designs and high-performance helicopter kits. They offer complete kits that include all the necessary components for building your own helicopter.
  3. Composite FX: Composite FX specializes in manufacturing lightweight and efficient helicopter kits. Their flagship model, the Mosquito XE, is a popular choice among DIY aviation enthusiasts.

Tips for Buying or Selling

Whether you’re buying or selling a home built helicopter kit, it’s important to keep a few tips in mind:

  • Research: Before making any purchase or listing, do thorough research on the market prices and compare different options. This will help you make an informed decision and ensure you’re getting a fair deal.
  • Communication: When dealing with potential buyers or sellers, clear communication is key. Be honest about the condition of the kit, provide accurate information, and promptly respond to inquiries.
  • Shipping and Logistics: Consider the shipping and logistics involved in buying or selling a helicopter kit. Ensure that you have a plan in place for transporting the kit safely to its destination.
  • Documentation: Keep all relevant documentation such as receipts, invoices, and maintenance records handy. These documents can add value to your listing or provide peace of mind to potential buyers.

By exploring online platforms, forums, and reputable dealerships specializing in aircraft kits, you can find reliable sources for purchasing or selling home built helicopter kits at competitive prices.

Remember to do thorough research, communicate effectively, and consider logistics when engaging in these transactions.

Home Built Helicopter Kits Prices

Rotor X Aircraft Manufacturing: Dragon Helicopter Kit

If you’re a DIY aviation enthusiast looking to build your own helicopter, then the Dragon Helicopter Kit from Rotor X Aircraft Manufacturing might just be what you’re looking for.

This kit offers a unique opportunity to assemble your very own helicopter and take to the skies. Let’s dive into the features and pricing details of this popular kit.

Features and Pricing Details

The Dragon Helicopter Kit provides everything you need to construct your helicopter from scratch.

It includes rotor blades, a main rotor, and all the necessary parts for assembly. With its sleek design and composite construction, the Dragon Helicopter is both lightweight and durable.

Here are some key features of the Dragon Helicopter Kit:

  • A600 Talon: The kit is based on Rotor X’s A600 Talon platform, known for its stability and maneuverability in flight.
  • Gas Turbine Engine: The Dragon Helicopter can be equipped with either a gas turbine or piston engine, depending on your preference.
  • Easy Assembly: The kit comes with detailed instructions that make it relatively easy to assemble even for those with limited experience in aircraft construction.
  • Tank Capacity: The built-in fuel tank has a capacity of 20 gallons, allowing for extended flight durations.
  • Quality Parts: Rotor X Aircraft Manufacturing uses high-quality components in their kits, ensuring reliability and safety.

Now let’s talk about pricing.

While exact prices may vary depending on various factors such as optional add-ons or customizations, the basic Dragon Helicopter Kit starts at around $50,000.

Keep in mind that this price does not include the engine or avionics systems which will need to be purchased separately.

Reputation and Customer Reviews

Rotor X Aircraft Manufacturing has established itself as one of the leading manufacturers of home-built helicopter kits.

Their commitment to quality craftsmanship and attention to detail has earned them a solid reputation in the industry.

Many customers have praised the Dragon Helicopter Kit for its performance, reliability, and ease of assembly.

Here are some customer reviews of Rotor X’s products:

  • “I’ve always dreamt of flying my own helicopter, and thanks to Rotor X’s Dragon Helicopter Kit, that dream became a reality. The kit was well-designed and easy to assemble.” – John D.
  • “The Dragon Helicopter Kit exceeded my expectations in terms of performance and durability. I’ve been flying it for years without any issues.” – Sarah M.
  • “Rotor X Aircraft Manufacturing is known for their top-notch quality, and the Dragon Helicopter Kit is no exception. Highly recommended!” – Mark T.
Home Built Helicopter Kits Prices

DIY and Experimental Kit Helicopters Explained

Building your own helicopter may sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but it’s actually a reality for aviation enthusiasts who are drawn to the world of DIY and experimental kit helicopters.

These unique aircraft offer a chance to experience the thrill of flight while also providing an opportunity for customization and personalization.

Let’s delve into the concept of these helicopters, their characteristics, and why they have become so popular.

Unique Characteristics

DIY and experimental kit helicopters differ from commercially manufactured ones in several ways.

Firstly, they are designed to be assembled by individuals with basic tools and some level of mechanical experience.

The kits typically come with all the necessary components, such as airframes, engines, rotors, and controls.

These helicopters often feature simpler designs compared to their commercial counterparts.

Design, Regulations, and Costs

One major distinction between DIY helicopters and commercially manufactured ones is that DIY helicopters fall under the category of “experimental” aircraft.

This means that they are subject to different regulations and certifications than traditional helicopters.

While commercial helicopters must adhere to strict design standards set by regulatory bodies, experimental kit helicopters allow for more flexibility in design choices.

Building your own helicopter can be more affordable than purchasing a pre-built one.

However, it’s important to note that costs can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the kit and any additional modifications or upgrades made during assembly.

While building your own helicopter may require an upfront investment in tools and materials, many enthusiasts find it to be a rewarding long-term project.

Why Build Your Own?

So why do so many aviation enthusiasts choose to build their own experimental kit helicopters?

For starters, it offers a sense of accomplishment and pride knowing that you’ve built an aircraft from scratch.

It’s also an opportunity to learn about aviation mechanics and gain hands-on experience working with various components.

Building your own helicopter allows for customization and personalization.

You can choose the paint scheme, interior design, and even add unique features that reflect your individual style and preferences.

This level of customization is not typically available with commercially manufactured helicopters.

Furthermore, building a DIY helicopter can be a great bonding experience for friends or family members who share a love for aviation.

It provides an opportunity to work together towards a common goal while also fostering teamwork and problem-solving skills.

Home Built Helicopter Kits Prices

License Requirements for Flying Kit Helicopters

To fly a kit helicopter, there are certain licenses and certifications that you need to obtain. Let’s take a closer look at the necessary requirements for piloting these aircraft.

Necessary Licenses and Certifications

Before taking to the skies in a kit helicopter, it is essential to have the appropriate pilot certificate.

In the United States, this typically means obtaining a Private Pilot Certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

This certificate allows you to fly small aircraft, including kit helicopters.

Training and Experience Prerequisites

To obtain a Private Pilot Certificate for flying kit helicopters, you will need to complete flight training and gain experience.

The FAA requires a minimum of 40 hours of flight time, including 20 hours of flight instruction from an authorized instructor and 10 hours of solo flight time.

You must pass a written exam and demonstrate your flying skills during a practical test.

Additional Regulatory Requirements

In addition to obtaining the necessary pilot certificate, there may be specific regulatory requirements for flying home-built helicopter kits.

These requirements can vary depending on factors such as the weight and seating capacity of the helicopter.

Here are some key points to consider:

  • Controls: Kit helicopters must have standard controls similar to those found in certified aircraft.
  • Fuel Tank: The fuel tank must meet certain safety standards specified by the FAA.
  • Powerplant License: If your kit helicopter has an engine with more than 200 horsepower or uses turbine power, you may need an additional Powerplant License.

It is important to thoroughly research and understand these additional regulatory requirements before embarking on building or flying a home-built helicopter kit.

Importance of Flight Training

Flight training plays a crucial role in ensuring safe operation of kit helicopters.

It provides aspiring pilots with essential knowledge about aviation regulations, weather conditions, navigation techniques, emergency procedures, and more.

By enrolling in flight training programs, you can receive proper guidance and instruction from experienced flight instructors.

Evaluating the Costs of DIY Helicopter Kits

Building your own helicopter from a kit can be an exciting and rewarding project. However, before embarking on this adventure, it’s important to understand the various cost factors involved.

Let’s explore the different aspects that contribute to the overall expenses of DIY helicopter kits.

Materials, Tools, and Specialized Equipment

One of the main costs associated with building a DIY helicopter is acquiring all the necessary materials, tools, and specialized equipment.

These components are essential for assembling the kit and ensuring its proper functioning.

Some kits may come with certain materials included, but others may require you to purchase them separately.

  • Materials: Helicopter kits typically include pre-cut parts made from materials like aluminum or composite materials. Additional materials such as adhesives, paints, and fasteners may also be needed.
  • Tools: Building a helicopter requires specific tools like wrenches, screwdrivers, drills, and rivet guns. Investing in high-quality tools is crucial for achieving accurate assembly.
  • Specialized Equipment: Depending on the complexity of the kit, you might need specialized equipment like welding machines or hydraulic presses. Renting or purchasing these items can significantly impact your budget.

Maintenance and Ongoing Expenses

Apart from the initial construction costs, it’s important to consider ongoing expenses associated with owning a kit-built helicopter.

  • Maintenance: Like any aircraft, helicopters require regular maintenance to ensure safety and optimal performance. Routine inspections by certified mechanics are necessary to identify potential issues early on.
  • Operating Expenses: Operating a helicopter involves additional costs such as fuel consumption, insurance premiums, hangar fees (if applicable), and licensing fees.

Budgeting and Managing Costs

Managing costs throughout the construction process is essential to stay within budget. Here are some strategies for budgeting effectively:

  1. Research Prices: Compare prices of different helicopter kits available in the market to find one that fits your budget and requirements.
  2. Plan Ahead: Create a detailed budget that includes all the necessary materials, tools, and equipment. Factor in additional expenses like inspections, certifications, and training.
  3. Seek Professional Advice: Consult experienced helicopter builders or aviation experts to get an accurate estimate of the costs involved. They can provide valuable insights and help you avoid unexpected expenses.
  4. Consider Used Kits: If you’re on a tight budget, consider purchasing used helicopter kits. However, ensure that they are in good condition and meet safety standards.

Remember, building a DIY helicopter is not just about the monetary cost; it also requires time, effort, and dedication.

It’s essential to have realistic expectations about the amount of work involved.


We began with an overview of the prices you can expect to find in the market. Then, we delved into a comparison of the top 5 DIY helicopter kits available.

We also discussed where you can buy and sell helicopters, with a specific focus on Rotor X Aircraft Manufacturing’s Dragon Helicopter Kit.

Furthermore, we provided an explanation of DIY and experimental kit helicopters, along with the license requirements for flying such aircraft.

Lastly, we evaluated the costs associated with DIY helicopter kits.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of home built helicopter kit prices, it’s time to take action!

If you’re considering embarking on this exciting journey of building your own helicopter.

Make sure to research thoroughly and choose a reputable manufacturer that aligns with your budget and needs.

Remember to consult local aviation authorities regarding licensing requirements before taking flight.

Building your own helicopter can be a rewarding experience for aviation enthusiasts who are willing to invest time, effort, and resources into this unique endeavor.


1. Can I build my own helicopter without any prior experience?

Building your own helicopter requires a certain level of mechanical aptitude and knowledge. While prior experience in aviation or engineering would certainly be beneficial, it is not an absolute requirement.

2. Are home built helicopters as safe as commercially manufactured ones?

The safety of home built helicopters largely depends on various factors including the builder’s skill level, adherence to regulations and guidelines, quality of materials used, and maintenance practices employed.

3. How long does it typically take to build a home built helicopter?

The time required to build a home built helicopter can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the kit, your level of experience and available time commitment. Some builders may complete their projects within a year or two, while others may take longer.

4. Can I modify a home built helicopter kit to suit my preferences?

Modifying a home built helicopter kit is possible but requires careful consideration and adherence to regulations. Any modifications made should be thoroughly researched, approved by relevant authorities if necessary, and implemented with precision.

5. What ongoing costs should I consider after building my own helicopter?

After building your own helicopter, there are ongoing costs that you need to consider. These may include regular maintenance and inspections, fuel expenses, insurance premiums, storage fees (if applicable), replacement parts (as needed), and any additional training or certifications you may pursue.

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