How Much Does a Gyrocopter Kit Cost? Your Pricing Guide.

How much does a gyrocopter kit cost

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If you’ve been dreaming of flying your own aircraft, building a gyrocopter kit can be an exciting and rewarding project. But how much does a gyrocopter kit cost? The cost can range from $10,000 to $30,000 depending on design and features.

However, before embarking on this journey, it’s important to understand the costs involved in building a gyrocopter.


The cost of a gyrocopter kit can vary depending on factors such as the model, plans, availability, and specific components like the engine and propeller. Depending on your budget, you may choose to invest in a high-end kit or opt for a more affordable option.

In this comprehensive pricing guide, we will explore the cost of gyrocopter kits and provide insights into finding budget-friendly options.

Key Takeaways

  • Building a gyrocopter kit can be a rewarding project, but it’s important to understand the costs involved.
  • The cost of a gyrocopter kit can vary depending on factors such as the model, plans, availability, and specific components like the engine and propeller.
  • There are budget-friendly options available for those with limited funds.
  • Understanding the total cost involved in building a gyrocopter kit, including additional expenses like tools and certification fees, is essential in creating a realistic budget for your project.
  • Researching and comparing prices from different suppliers can help you find the best deals on gyrocopter kits.

Factors Influencing Gyrocopter Kit Prices

How Much Does a Gyrocopter Kit Cost

When it comes to gyrocopter kits, prices can vary depending on several factors that buyers should consider before making a purchase.

Model and Plans

The first factor that can influence the price of a gyrocopter kit is the specific model and plans included. Some kits may include more detailed plans or a more intricate design, which can add to the cost.

For example, the popular RAF 2000 model gyroplane kit comes with two sets of plans, a rotor head, and a pre-built, powder-coated frame. 

This comprehensive kit also includes a fuel tank, hydraulic brake system, and instrument package, which contributes to its higher price point compared to other kits.


The components that come with the gyrocopter kit can also influence the overall cost. Certain components, such as the engine and propeller, can account for a significant portion of the kit’s price.

For instance, a Rotax 912 engine, which is commonly used in gyrocopters, can cost several thousands of dollars. 

A higher horsepower engine can cost even more, but it may be necessary for those looking to fly at higher altitudes or carry heavier loads.


The availability of gyrocopter kits can also impact their cost. Kits that are harder to find or produced in limited quantities may cost more due to their scarcity.

Additionally, some suppliers may offer discounted prices for bulk orders, which could be beneficial for those looking to build multiple gyrocopters or team up with other enthusiasts.

The price of gyrocopter kits may also be influenced by current market trends, such as changes in materials, technology, and competition among suppliers.

As the demand for gyrocopters rises, prices may increase accordingly. 

However, advances in technology and manufacturing processes could also lead to more cost-effective options in the future.

By considering these factors and doing thorough research, buyers can make informed decisions and select a gyrocopter kit that meets their needs and budget.

Average Cost of a Gyrocopter Kit

How Much Does a Gyrocopter Kit Cost

The cost of a gyrocopter kit can vary depending on various factors. 

However, it is essential to understand the average cost of a gyrocopter kit to determine the budget required for your project.

As per industry standards, the average cost of a gyrocopter kit can range between $20,000 to $60,000. 

The price can vary depending on the complexity of the kit, the quality of the components, and additional expenses like tools and certification fees.

While $60,000 might seem expensive, it is important to note that this price range is for high-end kits. There are several budget-friendly gyrocopter kits available in the market that cater to enthusiasts on limited funds. 

These options can range from $10,000 to $20,000, making it more accessible for enthusiasts to pursue their aviation dreams.

It is important to note that while budget-friendly options might be affordable, they might compromise on certain features and quality. 

Therefore, it is crucial to research and verify the components’ quality and the seller’s credibility before making a purchase.

Gyrocopter KitPrice range
High-end Kits$40,000 – $60,000
Mid-range Kits$25,000 – $40,000
Budget-friendly Kits$10,000 – $20,000

As shown in the table above, the price range can vary significantly depending on the type of kit you choose. 

Therefore, it is essential to conduct thorough research and compare prices from different suppliers to find an affordable gyrocopter kit that meets your needs.

Cost Breakdown of a Gyrocopter Kit

How Much Does a Gyrocopter Kit Cost

Building a gyrocopter requires a significant investment of time and money. 

Understanding the cost breakdown of a gyrocopter kit is an essential step towards creating a realistic budget for your project. 

In this section, we will break down the expenses associated with a gyrocopter kit, giving you a comprehensive understanding of what to expect.

ComponentAverage Cost
Frame$5,000 – $10,000
Engine$8,000 – $15,000
Propeller$1,500 – $3,000
Rotors and Blades$3,000 – $7,500
Instruments and Avionics$2,500 – $5,000
Seats, Harnesses, and Safety Equipment$1,500 – $3,000
Paint and Other Materials$1,000 – $2,500
Tools$1,500 – $3,000
Shipping and Handling$500 – $1,000

The total cost of a gyrocopter kit can range from $25,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the model and specific components chosen. 

Additional costs such as certification fees, registration, and insurance should also be factored into the total cost of building a gyrocopter.

It’s important to note that some components, such as the engine and propeller, can significantly impact the overall cost of the kit. 

Choosing high-quality components can increase costs, but it can also improve the performance and safety of your gyrocopter.

By breaking down the costs of building a gyrocopter, you can better understand the financial commitment required for this aviation project. 

It’s essential to create a realistic budget and stick to it to avoid overspending on unnecessary expenses.

Tips for Finding the Best Deals on Gyrocopter Kits

gyrocopter kit price

When it comes to purchasing a gyrocopter kit, getting the best deal possible is a top priority. 

By taking advantage of discounts and comparing prices from different suppliers, enthusiasts can save a significant sum of money without compromising quality. 

Here are some tips for finding the best deals on gyrocopter kits.

1. Shop Around

Before making any purchase, it’s important to research and compare prices from different suppliers. 

Make a list of potential suppliers and compare the prices, shipping fees, and included components of each kit. Don’t forget to check customer reviews for any red flags or common issues.

2. Look for Promotions and Discounts

During special occasions like holidays or product launches, Gyrocopter kit suppliers may offer discounts or promotions. 

Sign up for newsletters or follow them on social media to stay updated on deals or coupon codes. Moreover, some suppliers may have loyalty programs that offer points or discounts on future purchases.

3. Buy in Bulk

If you’re planning to build multiple gyrocopters or know someone who is, consider buying in bulk to save on costs. 

Gyrocopter kit suppliers may offer discounts for bulk orders, making it a great opportunity to stock up on supplies and save money in the long run.

4. Consider Used or Refurbished Kits

Used or refurbished gyrocopter kits can be a cost-effective option for those on a tight budget. These kits may require some repairs or replacement of components, so be sure to inspect them thoroughly before purchasing. 

Sites like eBay or Craigslist may have used gyrocopter kits available for a fraction of the price of a new kit.

Gyrocopter Kit TypeAverage Cost
Complete Gyrocopter Kit$15,000 – $35,000
Partial Gyrocopter Kit$5,000 – $15,000
DIY Gyrocopter Kit$3,000 – $10,000

5. Consider DIY Kits

For those who want to save even more money, DIY gyrocopter kits are a budget-friendly option. These kits require more effort and technical skills, but they allow you to customize your gyrocopter to your liking while saving money on labor costs. 

Additionally, DIY kits may provide a sense of accomplishment and pride in building something from scratch.

Overall, finding the best deals on gyrocopter kits requires patience, research, and some strategic thinking. By applying these tips, enthusiasts can obtain high-quality gyrocopter kits without breaking the bank.

Understanding the Cost to Build a Gyrocopter Kit

How Much Does a Gyrocopter Kit Cost

Besides the initial cost of purchasing a gyrocopter kit, there are additional expenses involved in building a gyrocopter. 

These expenses include tools, materials, and certification fees. It is essential to consider the total cost to build a gyrocopter kit to create a realistic budget for your project.

Tools are a critical expense in building a gyrocopter kit. They can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars. 

The cost will depend on whether you already have some of the tools or need to purchase them all. Some essential tools you will need include a drill, rivet gun, torque wrench, and a set of wrenches.

Materials are another significant expense in building a gyrocopter kit. The cost of materials will depend on the size, complexity, and quality of the kit. 

Purchasing high-quality materials will increase the cost, but it will ensure the safety and durability of your gyrocopter. You can save money on materials by purchasing them in bulk or choosing less expensive options.

Certification fees are also a necessary expense when building a gyrocopter kit. The cost will vary depending on your location and the type of certification you need. 

For example, if you plan on flying recreationally, you may need to obtain a Sport Pilot Certificate, which can cost around $4,000. 

If you plan on flying professionally, you may need a Private Pilot Certificate, which can cost around $10,000. Overall, the cost to build a gyrocopter kit can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. 

It is crucial to create a realistic budget that includes all expenses involved in building and flying a gyrocopter.

Exploring Gyrocopter Kit Pricing Options

How Much Does a Gyrocopter Kit Cost

Gyrocopter kits are available in different pricing options that cater to diverse budgets and needs. This section explores the pricing options and provides insights into their benefits and drawbacks.

Complete Kits

Complete kits are an all-in-one package that includes all the necessary parts to build a gyrocopter. These kits are convenient as they eliminate the need to buy individual parts and allow for a smoother assembly process. 

However, they can be pricey, with costs ranging from $15,000 to $60,000 or more.

Partial Kits

Partial kits, also known as quick builds, provide a partially assembled gyrocopter kit for builders to complete. 

These kits can save time and reduce the complexity of the build while also providing some flexibility in terms of customization. However, they can still be expensive, with pricing ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 or more.

Custom Kits

Custom kits provide the most flexibility as they allow builders to select individual components and create a personalized gyrocopter. 

These kits require more research and planning, as each component must be sourced individually. Custom kits can also be more affordable than complete or partial kits, ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 or more.

Gyrocopter Kit Pricing Information

When considering gyrocopter kit pricing, it’s essential to factor in additional expenses beyond the initial cost. These expenses can include shipping fees, import taxes, and certification fees. 

Builders should conduct thorough research and consider all expenses to create a realistic budget for their project.

Gyrocopter Kit Expenses

Gyrocopter kit expenses can vary depending on the model, plans, and specific components. To provide a general overview, here is a breakdown of average expenses for a complete gyrocopter kit:

ComponentAverage Cost
Rotors$3,500 – $6,000
Engine$3,500 – $10,000
Frame$4,000 – $8,000
Propeller$1,500 – $3,500
Instruments$2,000 – $5,000
Paint/Finishing$500 – $2,000
Total$15,000 – $34,500

It’s worth noting that these prices are estimates and can vary depending on the quality and complexity of the components.

Evaluating the Cost of Gyrocopter Kits in Different Countries/Regions

gyrocopter kit cost in different countries

The cost of gyrocopter kits may differ from country to country or region to region, based on various factors such as import taxes, shipping fees, and local regulations.

For instance, the cost of a gyrocopter kit in the United States can range from $10,000 to $60,000 for a complete kit, while the cost of a gyrocopter kit in Europe might range from €12,000 to €60,000.

Country/RegionAverage Cost of a Gyrocopter Kit
United States$10,000 to $60,000
Europe€12,000 to €60,000
AustraliaAUD 25,000 to AUD 50,000
BrazilBRL 30,000 to BRL 60,000

It’s essential to consider the total cost involved in importing a gyrocopter kit from another country and complying with local regulations.

For instance, if someone wants to import a gyrocopter kit from the United States to Canada, they might have to pay a 6.1% duty on the total cost of the kit, including shipping. 

Additionally, they might have to pay for an airworthiness inspection and receive a special certificate from Transport Canada.

Therefore, it’s crucial to research the specific regulations and customs requirements of the country or region to which you plan to import a gyrocopter kit.

Affordable DIY Gyrocopter Kits for Enthusiasts

How Much Does a Gyrocopter Kit Cost

If you’re a flying enthusiast on a budget, building a gyrocopter from a DIY kit can offer an affordable way of owning your own aircraft

While the upfront cost of a kit may be lower than purchasing a pre-built gyrocopter, building a DIY kit requires time, effort, and commitment.

There are various affordable gyrocopter kits available in the market that cater to the needs of DIY enthusiasts. 

These kits typically include the main components of the aircraft, such as the frame, rotor blades, and controls. One of the most affordable options for DIY enthusiasts is the “Bensen B8M Gyrocopter” kit. 

The kit is priced at approximately $10,000 and includes all the necessary components to build a gyrocopter from scratch. 

Another option is the “Aviomania Genesis” kit, which costs around $15,000 and offers a more advanced build with higher performance capabilities.

While building a DIY gyrocopter kit can save you money, it’s important to note that additional costs may arise during the building process. 

Tools, materials and other miscellaneous expenses can add up quickly, so it’s crucial to create a realistic budget and plan accordingly.

Furthermore, building a DIY gyrocopter kit requires knowledge of aviation mechanics, electrical systems, and construction techniques. 

Ensure you have access to the necessary tools and equipment, as well as appropriate workspace before committing to a DIY project.

Overall, a DIY gyrocopter kit can be a cost-effective way to own your own aircraft. However, it’s important to thoroughly research and understand the process before beginning the project.

Tips for Buying a Gyrocopter Kit

How Much Does a Gyrocopter Kit Cost

Buying a gyrocopter kit can be a daunting task, especially for first-time buyers. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind when making your purchase:

1. Do your research

Research is key when it comes to buying a gyrocopter kit. Look for reviews and feedback from other buyers to ensure that the kit you’re considering is of high quality and is worth the price. 

You can also ask for recommendations from experienced gyrocopter builders and pilots.

2. Consider your budget

When buying a gyrocopter kit, make sure to consider your budget. While it’s important to invest in a quality kit, you don’t want to overspend. Look for kits that are within your budget and offer good value for money.

3. Check the components

Before making your purchase, it’s important to check the components included in the kit. Ensure that all the necessary components are included and that they are of high quality. Look for kits that include detailed instructions to help you with the assembly process.

4. Look for warranties and customer support

Buying a gyrocopter kit is a significant investment, so it’s important to look for warranties and customer support. 

This will ensure that you have peace of mind in case of any defects or issues with the kit. Look for kits that offer good customer support and have a strong reputation in the market.

5. Be aware of additional expenses

When buying a gyrocopter kit, it’s important to be aware of additional expenses beyond the cost of the kit itself. 

These expenses can include tools, materials, and certification fees. 

Make sure to factor these expenses into your budget to ensure that you’re fully prepared for the costs involved in building your gyrocopter.

By following these tips, you can make an informed purchase decision and find a gyrocopter kit that suits your needs and budget.


After exploring different factors influencing gyrocopter kit prices, evaluating costs involved in building a gyrocopter, and understanding pricing options, it’s time to make a decision based on your budget and preferences.

Remember to consider additional expenses beyond the initial cost of the kit, such as tools, materials, and certification fees. 

It’s also essential to avoid potential pitfalls when buying a gyrocopter kit by doing ample research and gathering information from reliable sources.

Whether you’re looking for budget-friendly options or ready to invest in a high-end kit, there are several choices available in the market. 

With patience, determination, and a can-do attitude, building a gyrocopter can be a rewarding experience for any flying enthusiast.


  1. How much does a gyrocopter kit cost?

    The cost of a gyrocopter kit can vary depending on various factors such as the model, plans, availability, and specific components like the engine and propeller. Prices can range from affordable to high-end, with budget-friendly options available for those with limited funds.

  2. What factors influence gyrocopter kit prices?

    Factors such as the model, plans, availability, and specific components like the engine and propeller can influence the overall cost of gyrocopter kits. Understanding these factors will help you determine the budget required for your gyrocopter project.

  3. What is the average cost of a gyrocopter kit?

    The average cost of a gyrocopter kit can vary depending on the complexity and quality of the kit. While prices can range from affordable to high-end, there are budget-friendly options available for those with limited funds. It’s important to research different price ranges and suppliers to find an affordable gyrocopter kit.

  4. Can you provide a cost breakdown of a gyrocopter kit?

    Certainly! To better understand the cost involved in building a gyrocopter, we can break down the expenses associated with a gyrocopter kit. This includes the main components, additional costs like instruments and paint, and any other expenses that may arise during the construction process.

  5. How can I find the best deals on gyrocopter kits?

    Finding the best deals on gyrocopter kits can help you save a significant amount of money. We recommend tips such as comparing prices from different suppliers, looking for discounted prices, and considering reputable sellers in the market. These strategies can help you find a gyrocopter kit that fits your budget.

  6. What is the cost to build a gyrocopter kit?

    Beyond the initial cost of the kit, there are additional expenses involved in building a gyrocopter. These may include tools and materials, certification fees, and any other miscellaneous costs that arise during the construction process. It’s important to consider these factors when creating a budget for your gyrocopter project.

  7. What are the different pricing options for gyrocopter kits?

    Gyrocopter kit pricing can vary depending on different options available in the market. These options may include complete kits, partial kits, or custom options. Understanding these choices will help you make an informed decision based on your budget and specific needs.

  8. How does the cost of gyrocopter kits vary in different countries/regions?

    The cost of gyrocopter kits can vary from country to country or region to region due to factors such as import taxes, shipping fees, and local regulations. It’s important to research the cost of gyrocopter kits in your specific country or region to assess the feasibility of your project.

  9. Are there affordable DIY gyrocopter kit options available?

    Yes, for enthusiasts on a budget, DIY gyrocopter kits offer an affordable option to build your own aircraft. These kits often come at a lower cost compared to pre-built options and provide the satisfaction of assembling the gyrocopter yourself. We will provide guidance on affordable DIY gyrocopter kits and the assembly process.

  10. What are some tips for buying a gyrocopter kit?

    When purchasing a gyrocopter kit, it’s important to consider various factors beyond the cost. We recommend researching the reputation of the seller, ensuring the kit includes all necessary components, and seeking recommendations from other gyrocopter enthusiasts. These tips will help you make an informed purchase decision and avoid potential pitfalls.

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